Description: Yes we combine shipping for multiple purchases.Add multiple items to your cart and the combined shipping total will automatically be calculated. 1961 March Cycle - Vintage Motorcycle Magazine - BSA Super Rocket COVER PHOTOS: Top, BSA single rider lifts front wheel as he hitssecond gear on takeoff at So. Calif, drag races. Below left, BudBaummer of the Checkers M.C. rides rear wheel of his Triumph com-ing into pits at Big Bear. Below right, French rider Andre Peroutpilots Harley-Davidson Sprint to victory at Monthlery, France two-mile track.Custom Bikes a Feature of Thompson's Show........................ 6BSA Super Rocket Road Test....................................... 7Touring Hints—New Accessories and Tents........ ............... 101961 BSA Models.....................:............................14How a Battery Should be Charged..................................17Two Wheels to Old Mexico..................—......................18Yokota Scrambles ................................................20Big Bear—The Race That Wasn't.................................. 24AMA Public Relations Campaign.................................. 26Southern California Drag Racing................................. 28Tuning the Dellorto Carburetor..... .............................40Have you ever seen a motorcyclethat radiates a feeling of powerwithout even starting the engine? Thiswas the impression that the staff ofCYCLE received when we saw the BSASuper Rocket, for the first time.Our test machine was supplied tous by Aub LeBard of LeBard andUnderwood Motorcycle in Los Ange-les, California. The only instructionsgiven were to make sure that the SuperRocket had a good grade of fuel whenwe filled the gas tank. The fuel tapwas turned on. the carburetor tickled,and with one easy kick our BSA roaredinto life. Throughout the test, startingwas excellent even on the coldestmornings. For a large capacity verticaltwin, starting was a lot easier thanmany of the smaller machines we havetested over the years. This was a verywelcome surprise to me, because kick-ing over large motorcycles is not al-ways easy when you weigh only about140 pounds.The Super Rocket is one of the mostflexible motorcycles in regard to pow-er output that I have ever ridden. Onemoment you can be in deep traffic,barely creeping along without anysigns of erratic running, and then afew seconds later accelerating out onthe open road so hard that your bodyis actually trying to slide back on thelong dual seat. There are no placesalong the acceleration range where aflat spot can be detected. From idlingspeeds to wide open throttle, poweroutput is smooth and steady. We coulduse all sorts of fancy words to de-scribe the power that this machineturns out, but it still wouldn’t do itjustice.The engine of the Super Rocket isa 650cc vertical twin with a bore of70mm and a stroke of 84mm. It hasa compression ratio of 8.25 to 1.Valves are operated through a conven-tional pushrod and cam arrangement... And much more! 12394 RL- 12395