Description: South American Civilisations Inca - Mayan - Aztec 153 Rare Vintage Books on DVD An amazing collection of out-of-print rare books scanned to digital PDF format and put on to Disk on the subject of the ancient Civilisations of South America - Inca, Mayan, Aztec. A rare archive within which you can discover the full history of the great historic indigenous populations of South America. Learn of the traditions, legends, culture, beliefs, religion of the different races of this fascinating continent. The 1000s of pages contain essential knowledge and insights, diagrams, images and explanations that provide a truly encyclopaedic library of knowledge that is unsurpassed. This totally unique collection is the most complete available. 153 Books on DVD Nature of the item: This item is a computer disk containing vintage, copyright-free books scanned into digital PDF format and provided to you on disk (as above); there is no physical book,there is no video, there is no audio. You will require a computer with a Disk drive to be able to view the PDF books with suitable PDF viewer software (which is universally available for Free). List - 153 Books on Disk A comparative study of the Mayas and the Lacandones - A Tozzer (1907) A glimpse at Guatemala, and some notes on the ancient monuments of Central America - A Maudslay (1899) A primer of Mayan hieroglyphics - D. G. Brinton (1895) A Prince of Anahuac. A Histori-traditional Story Antedating the Aztec Empire - James A. Porter (1894) A study of the manuscript Troano - C. Thomas (1882) Across Central America - J Boddam-Whetham (1877) 2 Across Central America - J Boddam-Whetham (1877) Aids to the Study of the Maya Codices - Cyrus Thomas (1888) Animal figures in the Maya codices - A. Tozzer (1910) Antiquarian, ethnological, and other researches in New Granada, Equador, Peru and Chili - W. Bollaert (1860) Auf den Spuren der Azteken ein mexikanisches Reisebuch - A. Goldschmidt (1927) [German] Aztec Land - Maturin Murray Ballou (1890) Burials in the Aztec ruin; The Aztec ruin annex - E Morris (1924) Central American hieroglyphic writing - C. Thomas (1904) Codex Fejérváry-Mayer. An Old Mexican Picture Manuscript in the Liverpool - E Seler (1901) Commentary on the Maya Manuscript in the Royal Public Library of Dresden - E Förstemann (1906) Contributions Towards a Grammar and Dictionary of Quichua, the Language of Language of the Yncas of Peru - C Markham (1864) Corona mexicana ó historia de los nueve Motezumas - D. L. Motezuma (1914) [Spanish] Cuzco. Ancient Capital of Peru; with an Account of the history, language, literature, and antiquities of the Incas - C Markham (1856) Day symbols of the Maya year - C Thomas (1897) Descripción histórica y cronológica de las dos piedras que con ocasión que se está formando en la plaza principal de México - A. Leon y Gama (1832) [Spanish] Description of the Ruins of an Ancient City, Discovered Near Palenque - Antonio del Río (1822) Descriptive catalogue of the archaeological, historical and artistic collections of Eufemio Abadiano - E. Abadiano (1885) Diccionario de Motul, maya español Vol. 1 - A. Cuidad Real (1577) Diccionario de Motul, maya español Vol. 1 & 2 - A. Cuidad Real (1577) [Hi Res.] Diccionario de Motul, maya español Vol. 2 - A. Cuidad Real (1577) El reino de los Incas del Perú - G. de la Vega (1918) [Spanish] First Part of the Royal Commentaries of the Yncas Vol 1 - Garcilaso de la Vega (1869) First Part of the Royal Commentaries of the Yncas Vol 2 - Garcilaso de la Vega (1871) Galeri´a de antiguos pri´ncipes mejicanos dedicada a la suprema potestad nacional - M Bustamante (1821) [Spanish] Gramática quechua ó del idioma del imperio de los incas - J. D. Anchorena (1874) [Spanish] Heirs Of The Incas - C. K. Michener (1924) Historia de la conquista de Mexico - B. Sahagun (1829) [Spanish] Historia de las cosas de Nueva España - B. Sahagun (1905) [Spanish] Historia general de las cosas de Nueva España Vol. 1 - B. Sahagun (1829) [Spanish] Historia general de las cosas de Nueva España Vol. 2 - B. Sahagun (1829) [Spanish] Historia general de las cosas de Nueva España Vol. 3 - B. Sahagun (1829) [Spanish] Historical researches on the conquest of Peru, Mexico, Bogota, Natchez, and Talomeco, in the thirteenth century by the Mongols - J. Ranking (1827) History of the conquest of Mexico Vol 1 - W H Prescott (1893) History of the conquest of Mexico Vol 2 - W H Prescott (1904) History of the conquest of Mexico Vol 3 - W H Prescott (1904) History of the conquest of Mexico Vol 4 - W H Prescott (1904) History of the conquest of Peru - with a preliminary view of the civilization of the Incas Vol. 1 - W. H. Prescott (1905) History of the conquest of Peru - with a preliminary view of the civilization of the Incas Vol. 2 - W. H. Prescott (1905) History of the Incas - P. Sarmiento de Gamboa (1907) In the wonderland of Peru - the work accomplished by the Peruvian expedition of 1912 - H. Bingham (1913) Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas, and Yucatan - John Lloyd Stephens (1854) La religión del imperio de los incas - J. Jijon (1919) [Spanish] La terre tempérée - scenes de la vie mexicaine - L. Biart (1866) [French] Las cartas americanas parte primera Cremona por Lorenzo Marini impresor regio, 1781 - G. R. Carli (1821) Lectures on the Origin and Growth of Religion as Illustrated by the Native . religions of Mexico and Peru - Albert Réville (1884) Les Aztèques; histoire, murs, coutumes - L. Biart (1885) [french] Les Incas, ou la destruction de l'empire du Prou - J. Marmontel (1824) [French] Leti u ebanhelio Hezu Crizto hebix Huan (1869) [Mayan] Los comentarios reales de los incas Vol. 1 - G. de la Vega (1918) Los comentarios reales de los incas Vol. 2 - G. de la Vega (1918) Los comentarios reales de los incas Vol. 3 - G. de la Vega (1918) Los comentarios reales de los incas Vol. 4 - G. de la Vega (1918) Los comentarios reales de los incas Vol. 5 - G. de la Vega (1918) Los comentarios reales de los incas Vol. 6 - G. de la Vega (1918) Manuscrit Troano - études sur le système graphique et la langue des Mayas Vol. 1 - M. Brasseur de Bourbourg (1869) [French] Manuscrit Troano - études sur le système graphique et la langue des Mayas Vol. 2 - M. Brasseur de Bourbourg (1869) [French] Mayan Calendar Systems Vol 1 - Cyrus Thomas (1901) Mayan Calendar Systems Vol 2 - Cyrus Thomas (1904) Mayan nomenclature - C. Bowditch (1906) Memoranda on the Maya calendars used in the books of Chilan Balam - C. P. Bowditch (1901) Mexican and Central American Antiquities, Calendar Systems, and History -C Bowditch (1904) Mexican archæology, an introduction to the archæology of the Mexican and Mayan civilizations of pre-Spanish America - T. A. Joyce (1920) Mexico, Aztec, Spanish and Republican. A Historical, Geographical, Political .... Vol 1 - Brantz Mayer (1851) Mexico, Aztec, Spanish and Republican. A Historical, Geographical, Political .... Vol 2 - Brantz Mayer (1853) Montezuma. An epic on the origin and fate of the Aztec nation - H. H. Richmond (1885) Narratives of the rites and laws of the Yncas - C. Markham (1873) Notes on certain Maya and Mexican manuscripts - C Thomas (1884) Notes on excavations in the Aztec ruin. Anthropological papers of the AMNH - E Morris (1928) O triumpho da natureza - V. P. Nolasco da Cunha (1809) [Portuguese] Observations on the Inca and Yunga nations, their early remains; and on Ancient Preuvian skulls - Archibald Smith (1864) 2 Observations on the Inca and Yunga nations, their early remains; and on Ancient Preuvian skulls - Archibald Smith (1864) Old civilizations of Inca land - C. W. Mead (1924) Our sister republic a gala trip through tropical Mexico in 1869-70. Adventure and sight-seeing in the land of the Aztecs - A. Evans (1870) Peru - history of coca, the divine plant of the Incas. With an introductory account of the Incas and of the Andean Indians of to-day - W. G. Mortimer (1901) Peru; incidents of travel and exploration in the land of the Incas - E. G. Squier (1877) Poems. Montezuma; An historical poem of the Ancient Aztecs - A. L. Taveau (1884) Primera[-tercera] parte de los veinte i vn libros rituales i monarchia indiana con el origen y guerras, Vol 1 - J. Torquemada (1723) [Spanish] Primera[-tercera] parte de los veinte i vn libros rituales i monarchia indiana con el origen y guerras, Vol 2 - J. Torquemada (1723) [Spanish] Primera[-tercera] parte de los veinte i vn libros rituales i monarchia indiana con el origen y guerras, Vol 3 - J. Torquemada (1723) [Spanish] Queen Moo's Talisman. The Fall of the Maya Empire - Alice Dixon Le Plongeon (1902) Rambles in Brazil or, A peep at the Aztecs - A. Payne (1854) Rambles in Yucatan. Or, Notes of Travel Through the Peninsula - B Norman (1843) Recuerdos de la monarquía peruana, ó, Bosquejo de la historia de los incas - Sahuaraura Inca, Justo Apu (1850) [Spanish] Representation of deities of the Maya manuscripts - P Schellhas (1904) Representation of Deities of the Maya Manuscripts - Paul Schellhas (1904) Sacred flowers of the Aztecs - W. Safford (1912) Sacred mysteries among the Mayas and the Quiches, 11,500 years ago - Augustus Le Plongeon (1886) Sacred mysteries among the Mayas and the Quiches, 11,500 years ago [Third Edition] - Augustus Le Plongeon (1909) Supersticiones y leyendas mayas - M R Garcia (1905) [Spanish] The ancient cities of the New World being voyages and explorations in Mexico and Central America from 1857-1882 - D Charnay (1888) The ancient phonetic alphabet of Yucatan - D. G. Brinton (1870) The Aztec and Maya papermakers - V. W. Von Hagen (1944) The Aztec god, and other dramas [Fourth Edition] - G. L Raymond (1916) The Aztec god, and other dramas [Third Edition] - G. L Raymond (1908) The Aztec ruin. Anthropological papers of the AMNH - E Morris (1928) The Aztecs - W. Warren (1894) The Aztecs (Indian races) - A. Honeyman (1905) The Aztecs, their history, manners, and customs - L. Biart (1887) The Aztecs. Præmio Gaisfordiano donata - W Wallace (1867) The Book of Chilam Balam of Chumayel - J. Hofl (1913) The books of Chilan Balam, the prophetic and historic records of the Mayas of Yucatan - D. G. Brinton (1882) 2 The books of Chilan Balam, the prophetic and historic records of the Mayas of Yucatan - D. G. Brinton (1882) The civilization of the Mayas - J Thompson (1927) The Early Peopling of America, and Its Discovery Before the Time of Columbus - J Newman (1848) The fall of Tollan - J. E. Routh (1905) The fundamental principles of Old and New World civilizations - Z Nuttall (1901) The historical value of the books of Chilan Balam - S. Morley (1911) The Incas the children of the sun - T. Groesbeck (1896) 2 The Incas the children of the sun - T. Groesbeck (1896) The Incas and their industries - H. van den Bergh (1921) The Incas of Peru - C. Markham (1910) The Incas of Peru - C. Markham [Second Edition] (1912) The Incas, or, The destruction of the empire of Peru Vol 1 - J Marmontel (1777) The Incas, or, The destruction of the empire of Peru Vol 2 - J Marmontel (1777) The Incas. The Children of the Sun - Telford Groesbeck, (1896) 2 The Incas. The Children of the Sun - Telford Groesbeck, (1896) The inscriptions at Copan - S. Morley (1920) The Land of the Incas and the City of the Sun. The Story of Francisco Pizarro - William Henry Davenport Adams - Cuzco (Peru) - (1885) The last Inca, or the story of Tupac Amâru Vol 1 - José Gabriel de Tupac-Amaru - (1874) The last Inca, or the story of Tupac Amâru Vol 2 - José Gabriel de Tupac-Amaru - (1874) The last Inca, or the story of Tupac Amâru Vol 3 - José Gabriel de Tupac-Amaru - (1874) The magic and mysteries of Mexico or, The Arcane secrets and occult lore of the ancient Mexicans and Maya - L. Spence (n.d.) The Maya and Tzental Calendars. Comprising the Complete Series of Days,positions in the month for each one of the fifty-two years of the cycle - W Gates (1900) The Maya Chronicles - Daniel Garrison Brinton (1882) 2 The Maya Chronicles - Daniel Garrison Brinton (1882) The Maya Indians of Southern Yucatan and Northern British Honduras - T Gann (1918) The Maya Year - Cyrus Thomas (1894) 2 The Maya Year - Cyrus Thomas (1894) The Mayas, the Source of Their History. Dr. Le Plongeon in Yucatan - Stephen Salisbury (1877) The Mexican calendar stone - S Salisbury (1879) The musical instruments of the Incas; a guide leaflet to the collection on exhibition in the American Museum of Natural History - C. W. Mead (1903) 2 The musical instruments of the Incas; a guide leaflet to the collection on exhibition in the American Museum of Natural History - C. W. Mead (1903) The native races of the Pacific States of North America Vol 1 Wild Tribes - H Bancroft (1874) The native races of the Pacific States of North America Vol 2 Cililized Nations - H Bancroft (1874) The native races of the Pacific States of North America Vol 3 Myths & Languages - H Bancroft (1875) The native races of the Pacific States of North America Vol 4 Antiquities - H Bancroft (1875) The native races of the Pacific States of North America Vol 5 Primitive History - H Bancroft (1876) The numeration, calendar systems and astronomical knowledge of the Mayas - C Bowditch (1910) 2 The numeration, calendar systems and astronomical knowledge of the Mayas - C Bowditch (1910) The secret of the Pacific; the early civilisations of America, the Toltecs, Aztecs, Mayas, Incas, and their predecessors - C. R. Enock (1912) The stone of the sun and the first chapter of the history of Mexico - E. J. Palacios (1921) The study of American hieroglyphs - L. W. Gunckel (1897) The treasure of the Incas; a tale of adventure in Peru - G. A. Henty (1911) The White Conquerors. A Tale of Toltec and Aztec - Kirk Munroe (1893) Tizoc, great lord of the Aztecs, 1481-1486 - M. Saville (1929) Tlaloc - exploración arqueológica del Oriente del Valle de México - L. Batres (1903) [Spanish] Vitcos, the last Inca capital - H. Bingham (1912) What your Books will look like The books will be scanned in exactly in the condition they are available to us. That means if a page has any marks on it, writing in the margin etc. that will also be scanned in. They are afterall, very old books and will inevitably shows signs of ageing, your scanned version will also reflect those signs of ageing Frequently Asked Questions Can I search the disk to find a particular book? Yes. The book titles are made as detailed as possible specifically to facilitate easy search and find criteria. Can I resize the books to make them easier to read? Yes. 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Non-Fiction Subject: Ancient South America Aztec Inca Mayan
Format: HQ scans of rare books on Computer disk (DVD-Rom)
Language: English
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